A Pets Life In Quarantine

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A Pets Life In Quarantine

Everybody’s least favorite word. It’s safe to say everyone’s going a little stir crazy! It was ok for the first week, but now we just can’t wait to get back to normal! But you probably haven’t been alone in isolation! So how have your pets been handling these changes to their routine? 


Everybody’s least favorite word. It’s safe to say everyone’s going a little stir crazy! It was ok for the first week, but now we just can’t wait to get back to normal! But you probably haven’t been alone in isolation! So how have your pets been handling these changes to their routine? 

Day 1



The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and my favorite human has stayed home! I love extra cuddles and morning breath! Is it a holiday? Or my birthday? Walk? Yes please let’s go! Best day ever! 



Apparently we are in some type of “quarantine” and nobody can leave… Not happy. It’s bad enough I have to share my domain with the dog but now the humans are going to stay home too! This better not last long. On the bright side breakfast was on time…

Day 4



THIS IS HEAVEN! We went on 3 walks yesterday!!! 3!! I hope things never go back to normal, life couldn’t be better! Today we even played with the ball for hours in the backyard! They’d throw it. And I get it. Then they’d throw it. And I’d get it. Then we just laid in the sun staring at the clouds. Ahhh bliss



THIS IS AWFUL! Breakfast has been late every morning for 3 days!!! Sure I’m getting more snacks throughout the day but breakfast is the most important meal of the day! The only moment I have to myself is when the human takes the dog on their ridiculous walks! Although today I got to sunbathe in my favorite spot on the patio while they played their silly games. Ahh the warm sun, no better place for a nap.

Day 7



I’m officially the most popular person at the office! The human has been having something called zoom calls for work! Everybody loves when I show up! 100% positive I’m responsible for holding this company together. Now if only the cat would stop trying to interrupt our work day!



The human has been working from home but whenever I try to help they yell at me for curling up on the warm computer! Why get an electric bed if I can’t use it? The dog is being extra obnoxious and seems to think he has a job now! I’ll give him a job alright! It’s fine I have more important things to do because the human left one of their drawers open which means it’s time for a nap!

Day 10



Rules don’t exist anymore 

I didn’t even put on a collar today. Just walked around the house naked! Living the dream! We started a new show on Netflix and haven’t moved for 6 hours unless for more food! I have the best human ever! Last night we even had spaghetti tacos for dinner! SPAGHETTI TACOS! 



Am I the only one who still cares about personal hygiene? My box hadn’t been cleaned in days! I’m going to make my displeasure clear by leaving a small present on the human’s bed! If things don’t start to change around here I swear! At least the human is finally watching what I want on Netflix!

Day 14



Hey all you cool cats and kittens! The cat left me a tasty snack on the bed the other day! I really thought he hated me! I tried to thank him with a few wet kisses but he started hitting and hissing at me! It’s ok I now know the truth! Is it possible to be at both the best and worst shape of your life? Me and my human have been going on so many walks but we’ve also eaten our way through most of the pantry! 



If that dog doesn’t stay away from me he’s going to wake up without a tail! Everyday gets a little bit worse around here. While sunny porch naps are my favorite and I’m getting treats every hour I just can’t enjoy myself! There’s too much noise and not enough space! Just this morning I caught the dog laying in my favorite spot on the couch! MY FAVORITE SPOT! I’ve spent years getting it just right! One good thing to come out of this is my new friend from the outside! Apparently because everyone’s locked inside the animals have taken over the streets! No people at all! Just silence. I’ve always thought the squirrel was a little nuts but if he’s telling the truth the outside world sounds like paradise!

Day 19



I’m not sure what’s going on but I could have sworn I saw the cat taking notes while we were watching Tiger King yesterday. He’s been acting really weird. I also could’ve sworn he was hanging out with the oak tree squirrel… You can’t trust him, that guys bad news… OH its time for snack time again! I’m sure everything’s fine! 



Of three things I’m absolutely certain. 

One Carol Baskin killed her husband

Two sardines are delicious 

Three The oak tree squirrel is a genius! 

I thought the dog may have finally caught on to me but luckily he and the human are ruled by food! My time is coming.

Day 24



It was fun in the beginning. I thought I’d want these days to never end. When will it end?!? I looked my human dead in the eye yesterday and said it’s not you it’s me I just need some space. I never thought I’d say this but I’m sick of laying around doing nothing! I’m sick of walks! I just want to go to the park again and hangout with my friends! On another note has anyone seen the cat?



I’ve finished clawing my escape route through the screen on the porch. The squirrel taught me how to hide my extra treats for winter! My master plan is really coming together and the best part soon I won’t even have to deal with the dog!

Day 30



Today I refused to go on a walk! I think the human was secretly relieved. I’m also positive the cat has moved out. I don’t think he realizes the human knows he’s basically moved into the shed. Where does he think his food keeps coming from? That’s it, humans go back to work. I need a vacation!



Goodbye dog! Goodbye human! I’ve left with the squirrel from the oak tree! Don’t look for me, this is for the best! Let’s face it, none of us are the same “people” as before! We’ve changed and it’s time to put my world domination plans to action! Sayonara!


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