An Interview with Marie the Cat
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- By Louise's Pet Connection Staff
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Have you ever wondered about your pets thoughts and opinions? What really goes on in their fluffy little heads! Well we decided once and for all to get down to the bottom of this soul searching question and what better way to get answers than right from the source!
Have you ever wondered about your pets thoughts and opinions? What really goes on in their fluffy little heads! Well we decided once and for all to get down to the bottom of this soul searching question and what better way to get answers than right from the source!
An interview with Marie the cat
Interviewer: So how long have you been a part of the Louise's family?
Marie: About 15 years! And they’ve been the best years of my life!
(actually the only years of my life)
Interviewer: If you had to pick your favorite person at Louise's who would it be?
Marie: Hmm that’s a tough one! I’d have to say Jen is my favorite though! She sneaks me extra treats all the time and lets me cuddle in her lap even though I claw her jeans a little
Interviewer:What’s the perfect day for you?
Marie: My perfect day would have to be getting the fluffiest bed all to myself so I can really spread out! A catnip party around mid day would be fun and then I can go back to having the bed all to myself! Did I mention having the bed all to myself?
Interviewer: Tuna or chicken?
Marie: Both? Is that a trick question? Are you offering it right now? Definitely both!
Interviewer: How does it feel to have 10 other adopted siblings?
Marie: At times quite annoying! Shirley can be really clingy when it’s cold! Donny really loves to test my patience too! But in the end I love them all the same and wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world!
Interviewer: What’s your favorite food?
Marie: Easy. Everything. But mostly Stella and Chewys Duck, Duck, Goose!
Interviewer: Do you have a favorite band?
Marie: Pussycat dolls
Interviewer: Do you really hate dogs?
Marie: Short answer yes. Long answer KEEP THOSE CRAZY BEASTS AWAY FROM ME!
Interviewer: If you could be human for a day what would you do first?
Marie: Open every bit of food I could find and have a buffet! Then I’d sleep. Not too much would change hehehe
There you have it the inner workings of a cat!
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